How to Order

Ordering Online
  1. Add the items you wish to order to your basket.
  2. Proceed with the order by pressing Pay Now.
  3. Complete each step by filling out the correct information.
  4. Remember to agree to our 3Q Stock & Delivery Terms.
  5. Fill out your preferred payment method and again remember to accept our T&Cs.
  6. Finally, submit your order!
  7. If your order has customisation a member of our team will be in touch by email to confirm all details with you to make sure it's exactly what you want.

Submitting a Quote Online
  1. Simply add the items you wish to receive a quote on to your basket.
  2. Press the Submit as Quote button.
  3. This will go through to our sales team who will check the products and send you an email with any further information and a quote attached.
  4. Once you’re happy you can pay using our bank details at the bottom of the quote or request a payment link.

Email Us
  1. Email with what you’re looking to order.
  2. Please ensure you include products/product codes, colours, quantities, sizes and any customisation you may need to make it as easy as possible for our team to help you.
  3. Send your email and wait for a reply!
  4. It may take a bit of time for a member of our sales team to get back to you so please be patient.

Sample Orders
  • If you are unsure of sizes, we would suggest ordering 1 or 2 sizes of the items you are interested in, uncustomised.
  • You can then use these samples to make sure the sizes on your full order are correct.
  • As it’s only 1 or 2 sizes ordered, we can then do a refund on items you don’t need or use them as part of the main order.
  • Please note you will need to fill out a Returns Form to send the items you don't want.
  • When sending items in, please keep labels on the garment and keep the original bags/packaging.
  • To find out more about our Returns - Click Here
Want to get in touch? Please complete our Enquiry Form!